July 15-19th, 2023 - "VBS OLYMPIAN"
Schedule: 9 am - 12 pm each day
Ages: 3 years old to 6th grade completed welcome!
Come join the race!! July 15-19th at Keyport Bible Church. 9am-12pm each day. 3 years old to 6th grade completed welcome! Olympion focusses on the Gospel through the story of Joshua and God's mighty power and love for His people! Each day athletes (kids) will enjoy games, snacks, crafts, songs, skits, and Bible lessons told by "eyewitnesses", all geared toward kids for incredible fun and lifelong lessons!

Finally, please fill out our Medical Consent & Liability Release form for each child individually. These can be returned before VBS begins to our office:
- In-person: 15270 Washington Ave, NE, Keyport, WA 98345
- Email: [email protected]
VBS 2022 Slideshow - "Space Odyssey"